The field of education is witnessing a archetype shift in its pedagogic and dual mode of operations. As per the old pattern, the Junior College is a connecting link between School Education and Higher Education while on the other hand, the National Education Policy 2020 has completely affiliated the Junior College to School Education Sector and segregated Higher Education Sector completely.
The changes will be implemented in phase wise manner and hence, we have to work in sandwich mode. It is very much possible that every learner will be perplexed about the system and will need guidance and support at every step.
There are multiple entry and exit points in the entire education system, whereby the learner is not dropped down of any sector of education system. Hence, it is required that we cater youth of the country in various sectors of education with specified focus on counselling and guide them in the desired field.
Hence, VIDEET Education is committed to serve the youth of the country with a plethora of career choices and job opportunities at various points such as School Education, Junior College and Degree College along with various Entrance Examinations and Admission Procedures for different Programmes and Courses.