Our Story

Make learning and teaching more effective with active participation and student collaboration

Confident and Focused Youth for Career Choices and Job Opportunities in Desired Area.

To Train the Youth to Analyze Opportunities and Create Avenues with confidence to Decide the Career Pathways.

Sanskrit connotation of the word ”VIDEET” is the Lord INDRA. It also means a person who is with urge to be honest and fair in every  dealing. It is constant pursuit of excellence to provide precise information.


VIDEET Education is a dedicated and devoted platform for dissemination of Academic Information for the young and aspiring minds of the country . we have knowledge- Equipped and Enthusiastic Professionals on the Panel With a vast and wide range of experience in the field of career counselling and Teaching. Hence, we are assured to bring apt and accurate information to you at appropriate time.


We are committed to deliver latest and genuine information with evidence about various State as well as National Level Entrance Examinations conducted  by the concerned competent Authorities within the country . we desire to work to provide a plethora of various Entrance Examinations with details such as fields of specialization, Dates of Announcements, Form Filling, Eligibility , syllabi , pattern of Conduct , Assessment , Evaluation and Declaration of Results etc. along with Potential Fields of career Options and Job Opportunities in the chosen area. 


We, at VIDEET  ensure you about a perfect blend of Quality Knowledge and Quantity Prospects.

The field of education is witnessing a archetype shift in its pedagogic and dual mode of operations. As per the old pattern, the Junior College is a connecting link between School Education and Higher Education while on the other hand, the National Education Policy 2020 has completely affiliated the Junior College to School Education Sector and segregated Higher Education Sector completely.


The changes will be implemented in phase wise manner and hence, we have to work in sandwich mode. It is very much possible that every learner will be perplexed about the system and will need guidance and support at every step.


There are multiple entry and exit points in the entire education system, whereby the learner is not dropped down of any sector of education system. Hence, it is required that we cater youth of the country in various sectors of education with specified focus on counselling and guide them in the desired field.


Hence, VIDEET Education  is committed to serve the youth of the country with a plethora of career choices and job opportunities at various points such as School Education, Junior College and Degree College along with various Entrance Examinations and Admission Procedures for different Programmes and Courses.

School education is the basic requirement and fundamental right of every student. Modern education was introduced in the State of Maharashtra during the 19th century by British colonial administration. The census of 2011 showed that the literacy rates in the state for males and females were approximately 78% and 67% respectively. Education at different levels in the state is provided by the state, government supported charities, or private institutions. There are also a number of institutes offering vocational training. The main boards to focus for the education are SSC, CBSE and ICSE. The education up to standard 7th lays the foundation while standard 8th, 9th and 10th are crucial for moulding and shaping one’s career with various choices of the subjects aiming at the career options. It is also proved that most of the career choices are based upon the moulding of the students at this level, where liking and aspiration can be shaped on the career pathway. Hence, VIDEET Education wishes to cater the students at this juncture to understand their talent and hone the same accordingly.

A junior college is a post-secondary educational institution offering vocational training designed to prepare students for either skilled trades and technical occupations along with workforces in support roles in various professions such as engineering, accountancy, business administration, nursing, medicine, architecture, and criminology etc. It also provides additional education with advanced academic material and practical approach. Junior colleges are also referred to as Pre-University Colleges. It clearly portraits that it is intermediate link between the school and degree college education, where one has to choose correct option among various fields. Hence, it is an important platform to cater the students with proper guidance as well as support. VIDEET Education is ready with the portfolio to aid the students.

The general higher education and training that takes place in a university, college, or institute of technology usually includes significant theoretical and abstract elements, as well as applied aspects with some limited options of internships. Higher education is tertiary education leading to award of an academic degree in the chosen stream and field. Higher education is also called as post-secondary or third-level education, is an optional final stage of the formal learning that occurs after completion of secondary education. It represents one of the highest peaks of the international standard classification of education structure. This is an exit point of the education for many of the students by obtaining requisite degree. There is a requirement of acquiring preferred skill set along with because only degree may be sufficient for survival but not for improvement and progress. Hence, videet education wishes to hold hands of the aspiring young minds of the country to guide and support them to elect right career options and apt job opportunities in the chosen area of interest.

Entrance exams are conducted by many educational institutions to select students for admissions into a particular stream, class or honor. Capability of students in various fields is evaluated through these entrance exams. These exams which are very competitive in nature teach students to deal with competition they are about to face in their future. In India, entrance exams for various national level and state level entrance exams are conducted for admissions into various streams like management, medical, engineering, law, finance & accounts, hospitality, arts & design, government services, information and technology etc. Students who crack these exams are selected in the top colleges. We provide you with detailed information about each exam in India.

Students write board exams and different entrance exam to get the admission in top colleges & top university but the admission process is so much complicated, many students face lot of problem with respect to admission process. At Videet education we help the students to get admission into the top college as well as top university.

We caters admission process of MH CET cell they conduct CAP round that is centralized admission process, as there admission process, we also caters the admission process of University of Mumbai  & other university  admission process in the state of Maharashtra.

Life is ever changing process, where we need to acquire knowledge and skills in pursuit of excellence to make it amicable. One needs to think, accept and work for setting a Career, which is the pathway of life and not the goal. Hence, we have to update ourselves at every moment to be in tune with modified ambience. But is it very difficult and practically not feasible to keep on changing our career pathways in accordance with the mutable modalities.


One can finalize the career and keep on taking turns and twists to sustain on the chosen career pathway when one is aware of the career options and job opportunities in that field with all the details. As a result, career counselling from an expert and experience personnel in the chosen field of working is need of an hour. We might have an ample of data, which needs to convert to the information, knowledge and finally the skill through the process of transformation and metamorphosis.


A learned and trained counsellor in a particular field or as such in sum total can guide us to choose the right career path to lead to our destination. We, at VIDEET EDUCATION assure you to guide, train and support to choose right career pathway to lead you to your destination.

Things that make us proud

Choose your learning level


With analytics tools, to help you share with current and future clients.


All services for our team of industry experts, personal training.


Total collections, quoting, enrollment, and reporting in Italian and English.


We can help you set up and manager your groups if you are become our partner.

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